Showing posts with label POWERPOINT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POWERPOINT. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


1)Self-Study Modules

Module 1: Transmission and Pathogenesis of TB (text only version)
Download complete Power Point Presentation   (2M)
Download Participant Guide   (832K)
·         Introduction (5 slides)
·         History of TB (10 slides)
·         TB Transmission (9 slides)
·         Drug-Resistant TB (6 slides)
·         TB Pathogenesis (16 slides)
·         Progression from LTBI to TB Disease (9 slides)
·         Sites of TB Disease (4 slides)
·         TB Classification System (4 slides)
·         Case Studies (5 slides)

·         Introduction (3 slides)
·         Epidemiology of TB (16 slides)
·         TB Case Rate (6 slides)
·         Case Studies (3 slides)

Module 3: Targeted Testing and the Diagnosis of Latent TB Infection and TB Disease (text only version)
Download complete Power Point Presentation   (2M)
Download Participant Guide   (430K)
·         Introduction (3 slides)
·         Targeted Testing (8 slides)
·         Diagnosis of LTBI (60 slides)
·         Diagnosis of TB Disease (50 slides)
·         Reporting TB Cases (5 slides)
·         Case Studies (16 slides)

Module 4: Treatment of Latent TB Infection and TB Disease (text only version)
Download complete Power Point Presentation   (1.8M)
Download Participant Guide   (358K)
·         Introduction (4 slides)
·         Treatment of LTBI (59 slides)
·         Treatment of TB Disease (73 slides)
·         Case Studies (17 slides)

Module 5: Infectiousness and Infection Control (text only version)
Download complete Power Point Presentation   (1.3M)
Download Participant Guide   (380K)
·         Introduction (3 slides)
·         Infectiousness (9 slides)
·         TB Infection Control (18 slides)
·         Administrative Controls (5 slides)
·         Environmental Controls (10 slides)
·         Respiratory-Protection Controls (15 slides)
·         TB Risk Assessment (5 slides)
·         TB Infection Control in the Home (9 slides)
·         Case Studies (12 slides)

2)Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis: What the Clinician Should Know

Table of Contents

3)Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Correctional and Detention Facilities

Table of Contents

·         Introduction (3 slides)
·         Background (10 slides)
·         Screening (42 slides)
·         Case Reporting (3 slides)
·         Airborne Infection Isolation (4 slides)
·         Environmental Controls (5 slides)
·         Respiratory Protection (8 slides)
·         Discharge Planning (12 slides)
·         Contact Investigation (22 slides)
·         Program Evaluation (13 slides)
·         Collaboration and Responsibilities (4 slides)
·         References and Additional Resources (3 slides

4)Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of M. tuberculosisin Health-Care Settings

·         Introduction 
(7 slides)
·         Transmission and Pathogenesis 
(14 slides)
·         Fundamentals of Infection Control 
(7 slides)
·         Recommendations for Preventing M. tuberculosis Transmission in Health-Care Settings (30 slides)
·         Infection Control Program (5 slides)
·         TB Risk Assessment (17 slides)
·         TB Testing Frequency (3 slides)
·         Evaluation (4 slides)
·         Training and Education (1 slide)
·         Managing TB Patients: General Recommendations (51 slides)
·         Diagnosis (2 slides)
·         AII Precautions for Specific Settings (16 slides)
·         Training and Education (1 slide)
·         Infection Control Surveillance (1 slide)
·         Evaluation (3 slides)
·         Collaborate with Health Departments (1 slide)
·         Environmental Controls (7 slides)
·         Respiratory Protection (12 slides)
·         Estimating Infectiousness of Patients (5 slides)
·         Treatment Procedures for LTBI and TB Disease(8 slides)

5)Investigation of Contacts of Persons with Infectious Tuberculosis

·         Introduction(8 slides)
·         Decisions to Initiate a Contact Investigation (10 slides)
·         Assigning Priorities to Contacts (7 slides)
·         Diagnostic and Public Health Evaluation of Contacts (12 slides)
·         Medical Treatment for Contacts with LTBI (6 slides)
·         When to Expand a Contact Investigation (3 slides)
·         Communicating Through the News Media (6 slides)
·         Staff Training for Contact Investigations (2 slides)
·         Contact Investigations in Special Circumstances(13 Slides)
·         Source-Case Investigations(6 slides)




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