Friday, August 28, 2015

BMJ comes out with review article on Febrile seizures

This clinical review summarises how to recognise a febrile seizure and rule out other underlying causes. How to manage febrile seizures and how to deal with common questions posed by parents in this situation.

Comparative effectiveness and tolerance of treatments for H pylori

This network meta-analysis compares different eradication treatments forHelicobacter pylori.This showed that concomitant treatments, 10 or 14 days of probiotic supplemented triple treatment, levofloxacin based triple treatment, hybrid treatment and sequential treatment might be most effective for eradicating H pylori.

Nagging people is a futile exercise


Columnist Margaret McCartney argues that nagging people about the need to do exercise to achieve health won’t work. Exercise should be for the people, by the people, she says.

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