Medical Textbooks
Anatomy- Anatomy Atlases - Atlas of Human Anatomy
- Anatomy Atlases - Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section
- Anatomy Atlases - Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation
- Anatomy Atlases - Anatomy of First Aid - A Case Study Approach
- Anatomy Atlases - Lessons From a Bone Box
- Bartleby - Gray's Anatomy
- Google - Google Body
- Loyola University - Structure of the Human Body
- NLM - AnatLine
- State University of New York - Human Anatomy
- Temple University - Neuroanatomy Lab Resource
- Tufts University - Anatomy of the Head and Neck
- University of Michigan - Medical Gross Anatomy
- University of Michigan - Visible Human Project
- University of Utah - Neuroanatomy Atlas
- University of Utah - Visible Human
- University of Washington - Digital Anatomist
- University of Washington - Musculoskeletal Atlas
- Whitaker - Instant Anatomy
- Bridgeport Hospital - Anatomy Wiz
- Chest X-ray - Thoracic Anatomy
- Davidoff - The Common Vein
- Emory University - Radiologic Anatomy
- Freitas - Musculoskeletal MRI Atlas
- Harvard University - Whole Brain Atlas
- HeadNeckBrainSpine - Neuroimaging Anatomy Modules
- IMAIOS - e-Anatomy - Interactive Atlas of Whole Body Cross-Sectional Anatomy
- Lee - Musculoskeletal MRI Movie Atlas
- Loyola University - Cross Section Tutorial
- McGill University - Radiological Anatomy
- Seattle Children's Hospital - Radiology Atlases
- Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance - Cardiac MRI Anatomical Atlas
- University of Erlangen - Compare
- University of Utah - Atlases of the Brain
- University of Washington - Interactive Web-based CT Temporal Bone Module: Anatomy and Pathology
- University of Washington - Muscle Atlas
- University of Washington - Musculoskeletal Radiologic Anatomy Modules
- University of Washington - Radiology Anatomy Teaching Modules
- University of Wisconsin - Neuroradiology Tutor
- USUHS - Radiologic Anatomy Browser
- Wayne State University - CT Anatomy Tutor
- Wayne State University - Radiologic Anatomy
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University - Biochemistry Online
- Indiana University - Medical Biochemistry Page
- MIT - Biology Hypertextbook
- NLM - Biochemistry
- NLM - Molecular Cell Biology
- University of Utah - NetBiochem
- NIH - Bioethics Resources
- University of Pennsylvania - Center for Bioethics
- University of Toronto - Joint Center for Bioethics
- World Medical Association - Medical Ethics Manual
- Virtual Mentor
- ACR - Disaster Preparedness for Radiology Professionals - Response to Radiological Terrorism (PDF format)
- Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute - Medical Management of Radiological Casualties (PDF format)
- Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute - Pocket Guide to Terrorism With Ionizing Radiation (PDF format)
- RAND - Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks
- US Army - Defense Against Toxin Weapons (PDF format)
- US Army - Field Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook (PDF format)
- US Army - Medical Management of Biological Casualties (PDF format)
- US Army - Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook
- US Army - Textbook of Military Medicine: Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
- US Army - Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries: FM 4-02.285 (FM 8-285) | MCRP 4-11.1A | NTRP 4-02.22 | AFTTP (I) 3-2.69, US DOD (PDF)
- US Army - Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties (PDF format)
- BMJ - Statistics at Square One
- Children's Mercy - STATS
- Statsoft - Elementary Concepts in Statistics
- Tufts University - The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice
- Dermis - Dermatology Online Atlas
- eMedicine - Dermatology
- Internet Dermatology Society - Electronic Textbook of Dermatology
- Johns Hopkins - Dermatology Image Atlas
- Loyola University - Atlas of Dermatology
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- University of Utah - Dermatology Image Bank
- Harvard University - Compendium of Fetal MRI
- Loyola University - Development of the Human Heart
- Loyola University - Genitourinary Development
- Temple University - Embryology of the Central Nervous System
- University of California - Visible Embryo
- Universities of Freiburg, Lausanne and Bern -
- University of Michigan - Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo
- University of New South Wales - Embryology
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Embryo Images
- Anatomy Atlases - Anatomy of First Aid: A Case Study Approach
- eMedicine - Emergency Medicine
- Merck - Merck Manual - Poisoning
- NIH - Household Products Database
- NLM - Environmental Health and Toxicology
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- US Army - First Aid (PDF format)
- US Navy - Standard First Aid Course
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
- BMJ - How to Read a Paper
- Cochrane Collaboration - Cochrane Reviews
- EBOC - Evidence Based On Call
- Oxford University - Bandolier
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine - What is Evidence Based Medicine?
- University of North Carolina - Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine
- University of York - DARE
- AHRQ - National Guideline Clearinghouse
- eMedicine - Internal Medicine
- Louisiana State University - Outpatient Management Manual
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- US Air Force - Independent Duty Medical Technician Medical and Dental Treatment Protocols (PDF format)
- US Coast Guard - Ship's Medicine Chest
- US Navy - Sickcall Screener's Handbook
- Merck - Merck Manual - Genetics
- NIH -
- NLM - Genetics Home Reference
- NLM - Human Molecular Genetics
- NLM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Global Health
- DHHS -
- Harvard University - Center for Health and the Global Environment
- Medact - Global Health Education
- University College London - Centre for International Health and Development
- Anatomy Atlases - Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy
- Loyola University - Histology
- Moran andF Rowley - Visual Histology
- Temple University - Histology Laboratory Assistant
- University of Illinois - Atlas of Histology
- University of Kansas - JayDoc HistoWeb
- University of Western Australia - Blue Histology
- University of Wisconsin - Histology Atlas
- NLM - History of Medicine
- Pengelley - A Traveler's Guide to the History of Biology and Medicine
- Science Museum - Brought to Life
- Wellcome Trust History of Medicine ( Birth, Death, Drugs, Hospitals, Medicine and Technology, Plagues and Pestilence and Public Health, Surgery, Timeline)
- CDC - Famine-Affected, Refugee, and Displaced Populations: Recommendations for Public Health Issues
- Medecins Sans Frontieres - Clinical Guidelines / Essential Drugs / Rapid Assessment of Refugee or Displaced Populations / Refugee Health
- USUHS - Military Medicine Humanitarian Assistance Course
Internal Medicine (including the adult subspecialties of Allergy-Immunology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology-Oncology, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Pulmunology, Rheumatology)
- AHRQ - National Guideline Clearinghouse
- American Society of Hematology - Image Bank
- ASM Systems - CardiologySite
- Canadian Association of Gastroenterology - First Principles of Gastroenterology (PDF format)
- CDC - Guidelines for Treating Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Cancer Management
- eMedicine - Allergy and Immunology
- eMedicine - Cardiology
- eMedicine - Critical Care
- eMedicine - Endocrinology
- eMedicine - Gastroenterology
- eMedicine - Hematology
- eMedicine - Infectious Diseases
- eMedicine - Nephrology
- eMedicine - Oncology
- eMedicine - Pulmonology
- eMedicine - Rheumatology
- Jenkins - ECG Library
- Johns Hopkins - Antibiotic Guide
- Johns Hopkins - Medical Management of HIV Infection
- Louisiana State University - Outpatient Management Manual
- Mad Scientist Software - MicroEKG Manual
- McGill University - ECG Encyclopedia
- MDtext - Endotext
- Medecins Sans Frontieres - Clinical Guidelines Diagnostic and Treatment Manual
- Medical Algorithms Project - Medical Algorithms
- Merck - Merck Manual
- NCI - Clinical Cancer Information
- NLM - Cancer Medicine
- NLM - Endocrinology - An Integrated Approach
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- University of California San Francisco - AIDS Knowledge Base
- University of Pennsylvania - Critical Care Medicine Tutorials
- University of Utah - ECG Learning Center
- US Air Force - Independent Duty Medical Technician Medical and Dental Treatment Protocols (PDF format)
- US Coast Guard - Ship's Medicine Chest
- US Navy - Guide to Malaria Prevention and Control (PDF format)
- US Navy - Sickcall Screener's Handbook
- MediLexicon - Pharmaceutical and Medical Abbreviations
- Merriam Webster - Medical Dictionary
- Mondofacto Dictionary
- Stedman's - Medical Dictionary
Microbiology and Virology
- Tulane University - Big Picture Book of Virology
- University of South Carolina - Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology Online
- University of Torino - Atlas of Medical Parasitology
- Drexel University - Headache Interactive
- eMedicine - Neurology
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Solution - GP Notebook
- American Dietetic Association - Food and Nutrition Information
- Harvard School of Public Health - The Nutrition Source
- Brookside Press - Military Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Brookside Press - OB-GYN 101
- Brookside Press - OBGYN Morning Rounds
- eMedicine - Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- University of Utah - Human Reproduction
- US Navy - Operational Obstetrics and Gynecology
- US Navy - Surgical Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Columbia University - Digital Reference of Ophthalmology
- eMedicine - Opthalmology
- Merck - Merck Manual
- New York Eye and Ear Infirmary - Digital Atlas of Ophthalmology
- Oculisti - EyeAtlas
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- US Army - Textbook of Military Medicine: Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty
- AO Foundation - AO Surgery Reference
- DeGroot -
- eMedicine - Orthopaedic Surgery
- eMedicine - Sports Medicine
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- University of Flinders - South Australian Orthopaedic Registrars' Notebook
- Wheeless - Textbook of Orthopaedics
- WorldOrtho - Electronic Orthopaedic Textbook
- WorldOrtho - Oxford Handbook of Sports Medicine
- WorldOrtho - Simple Guide to Orthopaedics
- WorldOrtho - Simple Guide to Trauma
- eMedicine - Otolaryngology
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- University of Texas - Online Textbook of Otolaryngology
- American Association for Clinical Chemistry - Lab Tests Online
- Bloodline - Image Atlas
- Plapp - ClinLabNavigator
- University of Alabama Birmingham - Pathology Education Instructional Resource
- University of Connecticut - Pathweb
- University of Illinois - Urbana Atlas of Pathology
- University of Iowa - Virtual Slide Box
- University of Pennsylvania - Gram Stain Atlas
- University of Utah - WebPath
- eMedicine - General Pediatrics
- eMedicine - Pediatric Cardiology
- eMedicine - Pediatric Critical Care
- eMedicine - Pediatric Dermatology
- eMedicine - Pediatric Developmental and Behavioral
- eMedicine - Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- eMedicine - Pediatric Genetics and Metabolic Diseases
- eMedicine - Pediatric Neonatology
- eMedicine - Pediatric Neurology
- eMedicine - Pediatric Orthopaedics
- eMedicine - Pediatric Otolaryngology
- eMedicine - Pediatric Radiology
- eMedicine - Pediatric Surgery
- Merck - Merck Manual - Pediatrics
- NLM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- Pediatric Commons
- University of Hawaii - Case Based Pediatrics
- University of Iowa - Iowa Neonatology Handbook
- US Air Force - Pediatric Emergency Manual and its Preface
- Virtual Pediatric Hospital
- Epocrates - MedSearch
- FDA - Orange Book of Approved Drug Products
- Medecins Sans Frontieres - Essential Drugs
- Merck - Merck Manual
- NLM - Drug Information Portal
- NLM - MedlinePlus
- RxList
- WHO - Essential Medicines Library
- WHO - Model Formulary
- Loyola University - Screening Physical Exam
- O'Grady - System of Medicine
- University of California San Diego - Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine
- University of California San Francisco - Catalog of Clinical Images
- University of Florida - Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant
- University of Florida - Physical Exam Study Guides
- University of Toronto - Neurological Exan
- University of Utah - NeuroLogic Exam
- Yale University - NeuroExam
- University of Arizona - Gross Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
- University of Vermont - Medical Physiology
- Zubieta University - Textbook in Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology: Essentials and Clinical Problems
- Armed Forces Pest Management Board - Personal Protective Measures Against Insects and Other Arthropods of Military Significance (PDF format)
- US Army - Field Hygiene and Sanitation - FM 21-10 (PDF format)
- US Navy - Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine
- USPSTF - Put Prevention into Practice
- USPSTF - Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
- American Psychiatric Association - DSM-IV-TR
- eMedicine - Psychiatry
- Long - Internet Mental Health
- Merck - Merck Manual
- Oxbridge Press - GP Notebook
- University of Tasmania - Download of Psychiatry
- Albert Einstein Medical Center - LearningRadiology
- eMedicine - Radiology
- GE - Medcyclopaedia
- Medical College of Georgia - Basic Radiology Primer: An Introduction to Problem-Oriented Imaging Algorithms
- Medical College of Wisconsin - Chorus
- USUHS - Chest X-Ray Review
- Yale University - Cardiothoracic Imaging
- eMedicine - General Surgery
- eMedicine - Pediatric Surgery
- eMedicine - Perioperative Care
- eMedicine - Plastic Surgery
- eMedicine - Thoracic Surgery
- eMedicine - Transplantation
- eMedicine - Trauma
- eMedicine - Vascular Surgery
- Lion Reef - Vesalius
- NLM - Surgical Treatment
- Oxbridge Solutions - GP Notebook
- Surgical Tutor
- US Army - Emergency War Surgery Handbook
Undersea Medicine
- US Army - Textbook of Military Medicine: Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments - Volume 2
- US Navy - Diving Manual
Veterinary Medicine
Wilderness Medicine
- High Altitude Medicine - High Altitude Medicine Guide
- US Army - Heat Stress Control and Heat Casualty Management (PDF format)
- US Army - Medical Aspects of Cold Weather Operations (PDF format)
- US Army - Medical Problems in High Mountain Environments (PDF format)
- US Army - Sustaining Health and Performance in The Cold: Environmental Medicine Guidance for Cold Weather Operations (PDF format)
- US Army - Textbook of Military Medicine: Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments - Volume 1
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